Tourism Will Open Soon, Bukit Lawang Tour Guides Are Ready to Welcome Tourists, Langkat As the situation of the Covid pandemic begins to improve -19 in various regions in Indonesia, the government has begun to relax policies regarding restrictions on community activities.

This is a hope for community, especially those who depend on economic income from service businesses such as in the tourism sector .

Tourism actors in various regions hope that the tourism industry can really be fully reopened soon. As well as tourism actors in tourist attractions Bukit Lawang , Langkat Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

The head of the Bukit Lawang Indonesian Guides Association (HPI), Amrin said, he and the Bukit Lawang tourism players hope that the realization of the reopening of tourism can be carried out soon.

This hope is reinforced by information from the local government, through the Tourism Office, which conveys the plan to reopen the tourist attraction Bukit Lawang in the near future.

“The Langkat Tourism Office has informed that the Bukit Lawang tourist attraction will soon be fully reopened, according to health protocols. But when is the time cannot be determined,” said Amrin when met in Bukit Lawang, Sunday (3/10/2021).

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Tourism Quality Improvement

Tourism actors in various regions hope that the tourism industry can really be fully reopened soon. Like the tourism actors in the Bukit Lawang tourist attraction, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra)

Amrin also said, tourism actors in Bukit Lawang and the community since some time ago until now have been trying to improve the quality of tourism, both in terms of physical and services that will be provided to tourists.

“In addition to making improvements from a physical point of view, we also solidify ourselves with tourism actors to be prepared to welcome tourists when tourism reopens,” he said.

Not only to tourists, his party and several other tourism actors also open themselves to students and students to conduct studies in Bukit Lawang, in order to improve the quality between the two parties.

” We certainly still need to learn a lot to improve the good management of Bukit Lawang. So far, most of us are self-taught,” he said.

Amrin also hopes that the government will provide assistance, especially related to the procurement of adequate equipment to support tourism activities in Bukit Lawang in terms of safety.

“Besides relying on human resources, we also need equipment such as boats and boats. It’s hard to do a rescue or evacuation if something unexpected happens at any time, considering that there are many activities that have risks,” he said.

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