Tragic balance. Brazil, with nearly 600,000 deaths caused by Covid-19

Brazilia are aproape 600.000 de oameni decedați din cauza Covid-19. Foto/Arhivă
Brazil has almost 600,000 people dead because of Covid-19. Photo / Archive

Brazil will become the second country in the world to exceed the 600,000-associated COVID-19 death toll, a serious toll on a government that has been sharply criticized by health experts for mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic.

SOURCE: Reality

AUTHOR: Iulian Budușan

However, Brazil has stepped up its vaccination campaign after a slow start and there are signs that the number of infections is eventually declining. More than 70% of Brazilians received a first dose of vaccine, compared to 65% in the United States, which exceeded the threshold of 600,000 deaths in June, writes Agerpres.

“The vaccine rejection rate is very low in Brazil,” said Alexandre Naime Barbosa, head of the epidemiology department at Sao Paulo State University. “This is really important for Brazil to stop the pandemic,” he said.

deaths fell by 80% from the peak in April when more than 3,000 deaths were reported daily, and Brazil is no longer among the countries with the highest daily deaths due to COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health registered 451 new deaths associated with COVID-19 on Thursday, reaching a total of 599,810 since the beginning of the pandemic.

Health experts suspect that Brazil’s early devastating effects of the Gamma variant, also called P1, would have tempered the course of the Delta variant. , which has caused a significant increase in infections in other countries

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