Transfer: Camavinga ‘very happy’ to receive Mbappe at Real Madrid

Real Madrid midfielder Eduardo Camavinga has said he would be happy to receive Paris Saint-Germain forward Kylian Mbappe at the club this summer.

Mbappe has made clear he would not want to extend his current deal at Parc des Princes meaning that he would be on his way out of the club this summer as current deal expires next year.

Camavinga, Mbappe’s national teammate, said that he would be happy if Mbappe joined Real Madrid from PSG.

Mbappe has been linked with a move to Real Madrid and other top clubs in Europe since it emerged the 24-year-old has informed the French Ligue 1 champions that he would not extend his contract beyond 2024.

He snubbed Real Madrid last summer to extend his contract with PSG to 2024.

When asked about Mbappe’s situation while on international duty with France’s national team, Camavinga responded (via Madrid Xtra): “You have seen that he has already spoken.

“I have nothing to say. I would be very happy if he comes to Real Madrid.”

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