Travis Scott Sued Over Fan Compilation Artwork

Long NguyenTravis Scott

Travis Scott is facing another lawsuit, this time over the artwork to a fan-made mixtape.

A French artist named Mickaël Mehala, who goes by Black Childish, is suing Travis for copyright infringement in France, alleging that the rapper stole his original artwork for a 2016 project called La Flame.

Mehala claims he created the artwork in 2015 and sent it to Travis via Instagram DM in 2016. He never heard back from Travis, but his centaur art was featured on the cover of La Flame.

However, Travis never released a project called La Flame. The artwork is actually from a fan-made compilation that includes songs from his 2014 mixtape Days Before Rodeo.

Despite this, Mehala is suing for hundreds of thousands of dollars and sole control of his art. He says he formally registered copyright for the art in February 2019. The centaur artwork has since been removed from multiple platforms carrying La Flame.

Travis’ attorney has dismissed the suit. “This is clearly a frivolous and baseless filing,” Ed McPherson tells TMZ. “Anyone with access to the internet can tell you that Travis never released an album named La Flame. The illustration in question was fan-made, and was uploaded to streaming services by those fans, something that any user has the option of doing.”

McPherson adds, “Streaming services quickly removed it after they realized that certain people were trying to pass this off as a legitimate album cover. We look forward to responding to this case and obtaining a quick dismissal.”

Travis continues to face hundreds of lawsuits over the deadly Astroworld tragedy, which resulted in 10 deaths and numerous injuries.

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