Trump Going The Distance To Get Twitter Account Back: Here’s His Latest Antic


Twitter and other social media platforms often delete posts and sometimes ban accounts if something or someone doesn’t comply with their guidelines. One such example is where Twitter banned former POTUS’s Donald Trump. Soon after Trump decided to start his own social media platform, but nothing much was heard of it since. Now, Trump is taking the legal route to get his Twitter account re-activated.

Trump Going The Distance To Get Twitter Account Back

Trump Wants His Twitter Account Back

Twitter banned Trump’s account after a series of derogatory tweets that led to serious incidents in the US. Soon after, Facebook also banned Trump but allowed him to use the platform after temporary suspension. But it looks like Trump is having a hard time without his Twitter handle, @realDonaldTrump.

This is why former President Donald Trump filed a preliminary injunction in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Trump has asked the judge to make Twitter temporarily reinstate his account, allowing him to tweet again. At the same time, Trump is also fighting against Twitter to let him remove the permanent ban on his account in the courts.

Trump Going The Distance To Get Twitter Account Back

What’s more, Trump believes that he is likely to win his case. Going into the details, the former president of the US argues the Twitter ban on his account violates the First Amendment of the US constitution. Additionally, Trump mentions Florida state’s deceptive and unfair trade practices law and the new anti-deplatforming law are in his favor.

Furthermore, Trump argued that not getting his Twitter account would cause him irreparable harm. He claims his 88 million Twitter followers would also be harmed as they don’t have the option to receive his messages or comment on them. What’s more – Trump says his absence from Twitter would also cause severe damage to the Republican party.

Trump Going The Distance To Get Twitter Account Back

Trump Twitter Ban: What Happened To Trump’s Social Media?

Trump is among the top world leaders who used social media platforms like Twitter to make several announcements. In fact, Twitter was his go-to platform to announce personnel changes or policy shifts, where he won over 88 million followers. Over the years, his proactive use of Twitter became a defining line of his presidency.

When Twitter banned Trump, his spokesman and campaign manager Jason Miller, said he would open a social media platform of his own. This led to some confusion as people wondered if this was a blog that Trump was talking about. Soon after, Miller announced GETTER, which challenged the monopoly of social media platforms.

Trump Going The Distance To Get Twitter Account Back

Miller also announced there was an account reserved for Trump, leaving him to decide when to join and what to share. But it looks like Trump isn’t as much interested in GETTER, a social media channel made for him. The demand to get back his Twitter account sets the stage for multiple debates.

On one hand, Trump has several other ways to engage and communicate with his followers, including his own platform GETTER, so why Twitter? One might even argue about social media addiction. Given that Twitter was one of the most used platforms by Trump, his desire to get it reinstated might be a personal battle as well.


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Story first published: Monday, October 4, 2021, 12:38

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