TSE opens deadline for closing allegations in lawsuits about fake news

The Minister authorized the parties to access the confidential evidence in the STF

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 10:29

The inspector- General of Electoral Justice, Minister Luís Felipe Salomão, gave a period of 10 days for the parties to present their final allegations in the electoral judicial investigation actions (Aijes) that investigate the hiring of mass shooting of messages on social networks during the presidential campaign of 2018.

The allegations are the last step before the actions can be judged in plenary by the Electoral Court.

In the same decision, the rapporteur gave the same period of 10 days for the parties to access the confidential evidence collected in two inquiries about fake news that are being processed in the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and were shared with the TSE.

“I note that the deadline is being granted double due to the large volume of documents that are being made available”, wrote Salomão. The minister warned that lawyers must ensure the confidentiality of information, under penalty of “criminal liability” in the event of a leak.

The investigations in the STF, reported by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, establish the existence of a criminal organization operating digitally – endowed with political, production, and publication and financing. The group’s activities would have started before the 2018 elections and “advanced until the 2020 campaign onwards”, informed the TSE.

The sharing of evidence between the STF and the TSE was requested by Salomão on August 3, and then granted by Moraes.

In addition to the Electoral Public Prosecutor’s Office, they must present the final allegations the defenses of the O Povo Feliz de Novo Coalition (PT/PCdoB/Pros), of president Jair Bolsonaro and vice president, Hamilton Mourão. In Aijes, the coalition called for the removal of the presidential ticket elected in 2018, for abuse of economic power and misuse of the media.

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