Tunisia: Authorities shut down television because of a song against dictatorship

Authorities in Tunisia closed a private television station today after the host read a song against the dictatorship.

Source: Tanjug

Ilustracija: Depositphotos/ Shanin

Illustration: Depositphotos / Shanin

The host of the TV show Zituna Amer Ajad has been arrested and charged with ” undermining Tunisia’s security. “

TV Zituna, a private pro-Islamic television station, has criticized President Kais Sayed’s decision to suspend parliament and establish almost complete control of the state.

During the program, Ayad read the poem “The Ruler” by the Iraqi poet Ahmed Matara, who is known for his satirical and critical poems about dictators from the Arab world.

The host of Ajad was soon arrested, and TV Zituna was closed with the official explanation that the program was broadcast illegally.

The arrest of host Amer Ajad is the latest in a series of arrests of journalists and former lawmakers who opposed President Sayed’s decisions.

TV Zituna announced on its FB profile that the Tunisian security forces broke into the television studios and started destroying the equipment.

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