Tunisia: Indictments against Al-Buhairi may be brought against Marzouki

Tunisian human rights sources confirmed that the circle of defendants in the case of forgery of citizenship certificates and passports may expand to include senior officials during the period in which Noureddine El-Beheiry, deputy head of the Ennahda movement, supervised the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. justice; At the forefront of them is the former president, Moncef Marzouki, as the highest authority to sign the decision to grant citizenship to foreigners. The Interior Ministry at the time, Ali Al-Arayedh.

Professor of Public Law at the Tunisian University, Saghir Al-Zakraoui, said that the hypothesis of “expanding the circle of defendants in the case is possible, given that the file went through parties and was not limited to Al-Buhairi.” He pointed out that the disclosure of these charges “indicates the existence of an organized network within the state, in which several high-ranking personalities interfere.” Last Friday, he was “between life and death” two days after he was taken to hospital. Former Ennahda deputy, Samir Dilo, revealed that a security agency made a call with al-Buhairi’s wife, asking her to visit him with her children urgently, which confirms, according to Dilo, that al-Buhairi “is in a critical health condition.”

Abdul Razzaq Al-Kilani, one of the lawyers on behalf of Al-Buhairi, said that he “did not take food and medicine for the sixth day, and his health deteriorated… He has a problem with his kidneys.”

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