Turkey sentenced for imprisoning “Welt” journalist Yücel

10.05.2019, Berlin: Deniz Yücel, Journalist der «Welt», kommt vor dem Amtsgericht Tiergarten aus einer Vernehmung nach einer Rechtshilfeanfrage des 32.Schwurgerichts in Istanbul in der Türkei. Yücel war in der Türkei in Untersuchungshaft. Ihm wird das Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen vorgeworfen. Foto: Michael Kappeler/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++ (KEYSTONE/DPA/Michael Kappeler)
One year in detention without charge in Turkey: the German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yücel (archive photo).


The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has condemned Turkey for the imprisonment of the German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yücel.

Turkey’s actions have violated Deniz Yücel’s human rights to freedom and security and freedom of expression, according to the judgment announced in writing by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) on Tuesday. Ankara now has to pay 13,300 euros in compensation to the journalist. However, the verdict is not yet final – the litigants can appeal it within three months.

Der «Welt»- Correspondent was detained without charge in Silivri maximum security prison west of Istanbul from February 2017 to February 2018. Only after a long political tug-of-war between Ankara and Berlin was Yücel released and able to leave the country, while charges were brought against him.

In July 2020, a Turkish court sentenced the journalist in absentia to around two years for terrorist propaganda for the banned Kurdish Workers’ Party PKK and ten months imprisonment. This procedure is under revision.

SDA, smi


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