Turki Al-Sheikh reveals the developments in his health after he underwent a mysterious surgery in New York

The President of the General Authority for Entertainment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Counselor Turki Al-Sheikh, revealed today, Saturday, the developments of his health condition, after He underwent surgery in New York City, USA.

Al-Sheikh said in a tweet to him through his account on the “Twitter” social networking site that he “will rest for a few days and then return to his home in Riyadh.”

Turki Al-Sheikh was also keen to thank the New York-Presbyterian Hospital and their medical staff for their care, indicating that he will leave it with the utmost love.

Last Wednesday, Counselor Turki Al-Sheikh reassured his followers on Twitter that he is fine and in good health, and he extended his “sincere thanks to the Saudi Crown Prince, Prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud, for his constant care for him, and for every lover and hater,” he said.

Al-Sheikh continued, stressing that “his body got used to the surgeon’s scalpel,” referring to the fact that he underwent many surgeries.

Although Turki Al-Sheikh did not officially disclose the nature of the surgery Turki Al-Sheikh received letters and invitations from many artists after announcing his surgery in New York City, including Yousra and Nadia Al-Jundi.

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