Turkish startup presents electric concept designed by Pininfarina (with video)

Togg, a Turkish start-up, unveiled at CES 2022 its first electric vehicle concept called the Transition Concept Smart Device. The prototype foreshadows a future line of zero-emission vehicles produced by the Gebze-based company, a port city on the Marmara Sea.

The Togg concept has reverse doors


Visually I notice the lack of the “B” upright and the rear doors with reverse opening. The illuminated Togg logo, which is unique to this car, sits on the hood.

The vehicle was designed by the famous c Pininfarina design . This is a dynamic and innovative fast looking compact SUV. The emblem signifies the unification of Eastern and Western cultures. The two arrows represent the fusion of East and West, and their arrangement forms a precious stone in the center.

The front part shares many visual components with the first Togg production model . There is a closed grid illuminated with LEDs on the edge. The spoiler integrates two small air intakes that are surrounded by a row of boomerang-shaped daytime running lights.

The concept has received a sports steering wheel with an interesting design and four individual seats. They have integrated seat belts. The occupants of the car have a multitude of touch screens for the infotainment system.

The dashboard is dominated by the huge one-piece touch screen. It runs an entire mobility ecosystem to support a wide range of mobility solutions called UseCase Mobility.

The Turkish manufacturer has not disclosed the technical specifications of the prototype presented at Las Vegas. He announced, however, that by 2030 he wants to produce one million electric vehicles in five different segments.

The first standard electric model produced by Togg will be launched towards the end of 2022. Next year, the Turks would reveals a compact SUV. At the same time, Togg’s plans include a sedan, a hatchback, a crossover and an MPV.

Source: Motor1

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