Tusam: “It can fail is a phrase that identifies me, that represents me and people made it theirs to use it in different circumstances” | Chronicle | Sign next to the people

It is a hot day in the City and not even with the best concentration or meditation can resist. During the minutes leading up to our exclusive dialogue with Tusam, I imagined how difficult it must be to think of anything else when the thermometer reads over 35 degrees.

From this way and when there are just days left for his presentation next Thursday the 13th on the terrace of the El Picadero Theater, Tusam spoke with cronica.com.ar on # CanFallar , a work in which he shows his path of self-improvement and fulfillment. At the same time, as indicated: “I provide tools that strengthen 3 engines: I am, I recognize myself and I am worth it, for anyone who wants to constantly improve themselves and thus reach their goals. “.

Thus, Tusam shared some of his experience and knowledge, and before our consultation he revealed that if all people applied this method “the world would become more empathetic “.

How did the #PuedeFallar project come about?

He was born long ago. The TUSAM methods already have 72 years of life and evolution and I am always configuring new tools to provide them in a coaching format. May Fail is a phrase that identifies me, represents me and people made it their own to use it in different circumstances. There came a time when I felt it was time to coach the “soul” of Can Fail.

I understand that the work is about your path of improvement and personal fulfillment …
What can you add to this? I mean if it is based purely on your own experiences (in you / your things) or those that you absorbed from other people or places)

I identify myself with the group of coaches who do “laboratory” (I carry out research and tests of my tools before teaching them) that is why May Fail is based purely on my own experiences but they are easy for anyone feel identified with them.

The flyer says “to succeed you have to know how to fail” … Tell us more about this teaching or philosophy

It is very important to know and be willing to fail when embarking on any endeavor. The “comfort zone” cannot give you anything new other than a space of tranquility and perhaps pleasure (we have read that in many phrases on social networks) But when it comes to wanting to grow and wanting to improve there, none of that It will happen. In adversity, in discomfort is where anyone gets more creative and looks for different paths. And in that task if you are not willing to fail, it is very likely that in each failure you will abandon.

On the other hand, if you are willing to fail, it is because your mind, your heart and your body understood that failure is part of the path and not the end of it.

We have known you from a very young age when you were working with your dad. What things did you learn from him, and what was it like to have such a training?

I was very lucky to meet him, enjoy him , learn from him and work with him side by side. As I did with my mother, a fundamental piece in the path of my father, mine and ultimately ours.

How is the connection with your dad today?

There are things that happen to me that are too many coincidences or “causalities” (whatever you want to call it) but I like to think that in those opportunities it is from somewhere giving light to to be able to see and be better.

At some time, working with him, you were afraid of dying or that something serious would happen to you. I remember in the 360 ​​° program the test of the pool, and the little problem that there was … how they made us suffer, hehe

If you tell me about 360 “Everything to see” I would like to guess your age, but the first time I had an accident in which I thought I was dying was in FINALISM of the channel 9 ( was 14 years old ) in a year of apnea (holding my breath under water) where I got into a tank and after just over two minutes they had to take me out of that tank, breaking it and cutting off the transmission . In fact, that’s where the phrase that went viral throughout all these years was born: MAY FAIL.

Going back to our topic. This coaching we talked about can be applied by anyone? What would change in the world if each being applied it?

In coaching I provide tools that strengthen 3 engines: I am, I recognize myself and I am worth it.

Three fundamental engines for anyone who wants to constantly improve themselves and thus reach their goals. What would happen in the world if everyone applied it? The world would become more empathetic.

8- In this line, we can say that human beings have powers, but that we do not know how to use them? I mean the fact of developing different capacities (such as strength, endurance and others) Or the situation of meditation, deep breathing and thinking, to be more “calm”, right? How do you live this meditation / relaxation … do you practice it?

A concept that I have been spreading for a long time I share it in the following sentence: “We all have more strength than we think and we can all do things that seem impossible, possible.” This phrase has nothing to do with “everyone” can do “everything.” Rather, we can all expand our limits far beyond what we believe or are made to believe. And when I speak of “much beyond”, I am even talking about the things that we thought were impossible for us.

Meditation has always been practiced by my parents and my father spread it at a time when meditation was associated with something esoteric and not with a mental exercise. It is something that I inherited, I spread it and of course I practice it.

What tricks, of those risky ones, did you ever try and they never saw the light publicly? Or which one were you working (with your dad or alone) and then they could not specify?

“Tricks” is associated with magic or illusionism. Disciplines that I enjoy but don’t know how to do. Mine has to do with extreme hypnosis and mind control exercises. So far, all those exercises have come to light in due course. Those who were not seen publicly are biding their time. But something that I accepted a long time ago, is that since I am always thinking of things, when I die, I will have a lot to do. But that does not worry me, I enjoy this trip as much as I can.

To say goodbye, without first thanking you for everything , could you tell how this work “works” in people.

# Can Fail, coaching, not only it remains in stories with which they can identify and learn something. It is also about specific tools for daily life and to strengthen the three engines that we talked about previously, I AM, I RECOGNIZE MYSELF and I AM WORTH … at the end we perform a deep meditation and hypnosis to fix positive ideas. I wait for you!

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