Twins diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the same time alerting people about the disease

Teresa Swain and Lisa Simmons, twin sisters living in Indiana, USA, received the same diagnosis of ovarian cancer at the age of 59. These twins have been together since childhood. Lisa shared: “We grew up together, slept in the same room. Everything is the same from clothes to bedding”.

Ovarian cancer is a health problem that is difficult to detect and the Medical experts always encourage women to have regular check-ups even if there are no unusual symptoms. Most cases of this condition have progressed to a severe stage by the time they are diagnosed.

Pelvic or abdominal pain is one of the common symptoms. of ovarian cancer. The 5-year survival rate from receiving a diagnosis in the early stages is as high as 94%. However, in reality, only about 20% of cases are detected early.

Late diagnosis membrane

 Cặp song sinh được chẩn đoán mắc bệnh ung thư buồng trứng cùng lúc cảnh báo mọi người về căn bệnh này  - Ảnh 1.

“>These twin sisters are currently battling ovarian cancer together.

Lisa was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 59 in May 2020 after noticing some unusual symptoms such as bloating and numbness.This woman did not know a tumor was growing. develop in the body for a long time.

When she learned that her sister had cancer, Teresa went for a checkup herself.At first, the results showed that her health was completely normal. This woman discovered that she had the same BRCA gene mutation as her sister, which increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

American Cancer Society It is estimated that more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and it is one of the leading causes of cancer death.

After that, Teresa planned to have her ovaries removed to reduce her risk of getting the disease, however, she began to notice some hiccups. unusual phenomena such as flatulence. The woman was eventually diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer similar to her twin sister. Teresa shared: “I don’t have to face this alone because I have her.”

The case of ovarian cancer of the two women above shows the importance of regular health checkups and not ignoring unusual symptoms.

Signs of ovarian cancer

“>Lisa said: “My biggest fear is that both of us are seriously ill and can’t take care of each other”. Cặp song sinh được chẩn đoán mắc bệnh ung thư buồng trứng cùng lúc cảnh báo mọi người về căn bệnh này  - Ảnh 2.

Currently, the twins are undergoing treatment and need to be monitored for life because the cancer is likely to progress to the terminal stage Sarah Goodrich, doctor The Indianapolis gynecologist, who treated these two women, warned people about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. persistent and thinks he only has a urinary tract infection. It could all be more serious than you think”.

Some warning signs of ovarian cancer include bloating, rapid satiety, difficulty eating, pelvic pressure , abdominal or back pain, frequent or urgent urination, constipation, bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge.

Because these symptoms are easily confused with For many other health problems, women with ovarian cancer often receive a late diagnosis. BRCA gene mutations and why they can increase the risk of certain cancers.

Dr. Natalie explains, all people have BRCA genes and when they are mutated, you have a high risk of ovarian cancer, but don’t worry too much about having this gene. ovaries are not caused by genetic problems.

Some other factors that increase your risk include age, colorectal cancer, never having had a baby, or having a baby after age 35. The doctor will base on the results of blood tests and biopsies to make the most accurate conclusions.

According to Nhung Mai

Young intellectuals

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