Twitch Suffers Significant Data Breach

Twitch confirmed on Wednesday that it has suffered a data breach.

The Amazon-owned video platform didn’t disclose the extent of the breach, but earlier in the day an anonymous 4chan user posted more than 120 gigabytes of Twitch data, which they claimed included the platform’s source code and information about how much Twitch users earn.

“We can confirm a breach has taken place. Our teams are working with urgency to understand the extent of this. We will update the community as soon as additional information is available. Thank you for bearing with us.,” Twitch said in a statement Wednesday. No further update has been provided.

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The validity of the user earnings data has not been independently verified. However, as CNN first noted, several Twitch users confirmed that claims about user earnings were accurate — and pitiable.

Just got update on the data dump, didn’t know it was around 2-3 year range. That’s accurate for me I made around 10k a year from twitch? I live in nyc. Let’s just say you need multiple jobs to make a living off of streaming lol

— 480hz Reactions Sabin (@nycfurby) October 6, 2021

According to Video Games Chronicle, the information was leaked to “foster more disruption and competition in the online video streaming space,” due to what they say Twitch’s “disgusting toxic cesspool” community.

Amazon bought Twitch in 2014 for almost $1 billion.

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