Twitch tries to stem hatred by demanding email and phone number verification



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  • Twitch tries to stem the hatred by requiring email and phone number verification
  • Twitch is rolling out new tools to fight harassment. Videographers now have the option of requiring Internet users to verify their email and phone number.

    Will Twitch’s latest move be enough to stem the phenomenon raids of hatred which fall on a part of its community? In any case, the streamers victims of these virtual assaults now have new tools to control what is happening in their chat. Indeed, Twitch

    has just deployed additional controls.

    Today we’re putting more power in the hands of the community, by enabling phone verified chat! Now creators and mods can require viewers to verify their account via phone number (or email) before they can chat. For more information review the blog:

    – Twitch (@Twitch)

    September 29, 2021

    Twitch enables verification email and phone number

    Concretely, the dedicated section moderation for videographers has an additional insert that allows you to activate chat verification. Clearly, those who need it can require verification of the email address or phone number, or both. This is to complicate life for hostile Internet users, by adding constraints when creating an account.

    These options are accompanied by several rules , to give flexibility in the management of its community. Thus, it is possible to require this verification only for people visiting the channel for the first time, or whose account age is below a certain threshold (between one hour and one month, with several steps between). These rules can be combined if necessary.

    Twitch also allows all these options to be activated, while preserving those who have a particular status – this is the case. moderators, that is to say Internet users who very often volunteer to keep the chat going, but also subscribers, who pay a few euros for the benefit of the channel, and VIPs, that is to say accounts that have received some privileges on the videographer’s channel.

    Settings are available on each Twitch channel.

    For those who do not necessarily know what the appropriate settings are, Twitch finally provides an automatic setting button with the minimum thresholds recommended by the service . Under this regime, the verification of the email is systematically required and the control of the telephone number only concerns accounts with less than a week of existence.

    This n is not all. Twitch has also taken steps to avoid any circumvention of these new verification tools. Thus, Internet users have the right to link up to five accounts to a single phone number. But if any of them are suspended, then Twitch will extend the exclusion to all other accounts associated with that number. The annoying Internet user will not be able to switch from one account to another shamelessly.

    Among the provisions announced by Twitch on September 29, there are requirements formulated streamers and streamers during a strike operation online September 1. The “A Day Without Twitch” initiative (#ADayOffTwitch) was intended to raise awareness both among the public and the platform specializing in broadcasting live video games on the harassment suffered by videographers.

    The strike had some impact on the site’s overall audience. If the statistics have not collapsed, they nevertheless fell during the day of mobilization. Twitch, which had already spoken out about this cyberstalking problem in the past, had renewed its promises

    to take further action

    . The site also has, for the first time,

    launched legal actions .

    The continuation in video

    Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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