Two cops fired for having fun playing Pokemon Go when there was a robbery, Jakarta – Two police officers in Los Angeles (LA) were dismissed for neglecting reports robbery. Both of them were busy playing Pokemon Go .

Quoted from The Guardian, Wednesday (12 /1/2022), two police officers named Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell were previously asked to respond to a robbery report with more than one suspect at a Macy’s supermarket in southwest LA. However, both of them did not answer the radio call.

Then, based on the investigation conducted, it was revealed that Lozano and Mitchell heard a radio call, but deliberately ignored the call. Both prefer to catch the character Snorlax in Pokemon Go.

A video system in this second car police revealed, Mitchell managed to catch the Pokemon Snorlax character before the two went to the location where Pokemon Togetic characters are seen. Furthermore, Lozano and Mitchell also managed to catch the character Togetic.

Police incident fun playing Pokemon This go is not a recent incident, but an incident in April 2017. Details of this incident were disclosed in the appeals court last Friday.

Vice first reported the case saying Lozano and Mitchell were fired after the investigation. However, both of them filed an appeal.

Instead of not being dismissed after filing an appeal, through the evidence presented, the court strengthened the dismissals of Mitchell and Lozano.

To know the truth of the information circulating, please WhatsApp to the number 0811 9787 670 just by typing the desired keyword.


Evidence from Patrol Car Video Footage

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