Two Covid deaths and 233 new cases recorded in Oxfordshire

THERE are 233 new Covid-19 cases and two deaths registered in Oxfordshire in the last 24 hours, according to the latest Government figures.

These are the latest cases separated by local authority:

Oxford – 68

• South Oxfordshire – 38

• Cherwell – 55

• West Oxfordshire – 35

Vale of White Horse – 37

The total number of coronavirus cases since the pandemic started are:

• Oxford – 17, 760

• Oxfordshire – 64,049

The UK has recorded 30,301 new cases, according to Government data.

This shows an increase of 3.1 per cent compared to the previous seven days.

The UK has recorded a further 121 Covid-related deaths.

This shows a decrease of -16.9 per cent compared to the previous seven days.

Cases identified through a positive lateral flow test – those which can deliver results within half an hour – will no longer be counted if the person then takes a PCR test, which is sent to a lab to be checked, and receives a negative result within three days.

Across the UK 89.8 per cent of people have received their first jab, and 82.5 per cent have received their second dose of the Covid vaccine.

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