Two men arrested following seizure of cars and cash

Two men have been arrested in Dublin following a seizure of more than €130,000 in cash, two Audi cars and a Rolex watch.

As part of ongoing investigations targeting organised crime, a vehicle was stopped and searched in the Swords area at 6pm on Friday, October 1st.

This led to the discovery of almost €105,000 in cash.

Follow-up searches were then conducted in the areas of Santry and Carrickmines, which led to a further cash seizure of €25,660 along with one Audi SQ5, one Audi Q3 and a Rolex watch.

The two men, aged 36 and 45, were arrested and are being held at Swords and Coolock Garda stations.

Gardaí said investigations are still ongoing.

More from The Irish Times

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