U of T Alum: Researcher, Entrepreneur, DJ to Stars | Mirage News

Amir Alam’s arrival at the University of Toronto began with a friendly bet.

After watching a DJ spin records for a raucous crowd one evening as a teenager, he struck a deal with his mother: she would buy him a set of turntables if he was accepted to every major Canadian university to which he applied.

“The first choice was always U of T – even before my family immigrated from Iran to Toronto, I remember hearing U of T was the ‘Ivy League School of Canada,'” says Alam, who earned his honours bachelor of science degree from the Faculty of Arts & Science in 2015 as a member of Woodsworth College.

A first-year student, Alam moved into residence with his new turntables and collection of vinyl records in tow. He also began to frequent a local record shop near campus where he persistently approached the manager about a job, opening the door to regular gigs at downtown clubs and, soon after, touring opportunities with high-profile artists including Justin Bieber and The Weeknd.

Yet, despite the excitement that came with touring the world, Alam – aka DJ Crunch – says he missed belonging to the community that many students experience during their first year at university.

“When you’re touring, you’re always in a different city. You’re in, you do the show, and you’re out. It’s a very scheduled and disconnected lifestyle. I really missed being around like-minded individuals and having meaningful conversations.”

So, music took a back seat as Alam focused on his studies and fulfilling a promise he had made to his father about completing a double-major in human biology and cell and systems biology.

Amir Alam looks through albums at Play De Record on Spadina Avenue, a store he worked at part-time during his U of T studies (photo by Kemeisha McDonald)

Alam also took on mentorship roles and immersed himself in campus life. Beginning in third year, he worked as a lab assistant at SickKids’ Brain Tumour Research Centre alongside Gelareh Zadeh, a neurosurgeon-scientist at University Health Network (UHN) and a professor in U of T’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

Alam then secured a full-time research position with UHN at the MaRS Discovery District, where he worked in neuro-oncology and published several papers on brain tumour research.

But new opportunities and challenges were about to change Alam’s trajectory once more.

He drew on his chemistry experience – and interest in street fashion – to develop a 100 per cent plant-based shoe-cleaning product called Shoe Laundry. Working with a lab in Edmonton, he refined the formula and Shoe Laundry soon became a full-time job.

“My scientific background in the labs at U of T, SickKids and UHN definitely helped me when I was developing the concept,” says Alam. “I knew what I wanted and I had the vocabulary to communicate with the lab.”

The company continues to grow. He’s developing a new, sustainable product that repels stains before they happen.

Alam has also dabbled in filmmaking, running a music festival, making his own music and working in artist relations.

He says he enjoys having multiple projects on the go – and is open to whatever comes next.

The most valuable skill Alam developed at U of T? Perseverance, he says, and making use of all the university has to offer.

“The reputation of the school speaks for itself internationally, but what really matters is learning how to use the tools around you to succeed.”

Now a mentor in the Faculty of Arts & Science’s Venture Mentoring Service , Alam says he is eager to give back. His advice to current students is simple: unless you are certain about your career path, explore as many options as possible.

“You’ll fail at some things, and you’ll succeed at others, but it’s the only way to truly discover what you’re passionate about.”

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