U2 secure 11th UK Number 1 album with ‘Songs of Surrender’

U2 secure their 11th UK Number 1 album with Songs of Surrender.

The Irish rock band – comprising Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. – outsell their closest competition more than 2:1 to reach the summit. Songs of Surrender also becomes U2’s first chart-topping LP in over a decade; the group having last enjoyed Number 1 success with 2009’s No Line on the Horizon.

The LP also tops the Official Vinyl Albums Chart, proving the most popular record of the week on wax.

Moreover, Songs of Surrender’s success sees U2 scale up the list of acts with the most Official UK Number 1 albums to their name. The group now tie with David Bowie, boasting 11 chart-toppers apiece.

Following Songs of Surrender’s release, the group’s 2006 greatest hits collection U218 Singles rockets back into Official Albums Chart at Number 38.

Meanwhile, as she kicks off The Eras Tour stateside, Taylor Swift finds five of her classic records in the Top 40 simultaneously. Latest LP Midnights returns to the Top 5 (4), 2014 release 1989 rebounds into the Top 20 (18), 2019’s Lover ascends 16 spots (23), 2020 LP folklore lifts 12 (26) and 2017’s Reputation is back in the Top 40 with a jump of 18 (33).

Brighton-formed four-piece Black Honey claim a career-best with their third studio album A Fistful of Peaches (6). Previously, the group saw success with their eponymous 2018 debut (33) and 2021 work Written & Directed (7). A Fistful of Peaches also claims the Number 2 spot on this week’s Official Vinyl Albums and Official Record Store Charts.

Finally, Maryland rockers All Time Low celebrate their seventh UK Top 40 album with Tell Me I’m Alive (12). The group’s ninth studio album also proved the biggest seller in independent record shops this week, topping the Official Record Store Chart.

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