Update: ‘We accidentally had s£x and I got pregnant. Do your worst

Update: ‘We accidentally had s£x and I got pregnant. Do your worst – Lady fires back at her friend who called her out for ‘snatching’ her man and getting pregnant for him

Update: ?We accidentally had s�x and I got pregnant. Do your worst - Lady fires back at her friend who called her out for ?snatching? her man and getting pregnant for him

The lady, Cynthia, whom her friend accused of ‘snatching’’ her man and also getting pregnant for him, has responded. 

Cynthia’s friend had come online to call her out for having sexual relations with her man and even getting pregnant for him when she visited her in Port Harcourt, Rivers state sometime last year. Read here. 

Cynthia in her response said she had been feeling guilty for what she did but that she no longer feels bad since her friend has come online to disgrace her. She said she accidentally got pregnant for Obinna and that her distraught friend should go ahead and do her worst.

Update: ?We accidentally had s�x and I got pregnant. Do your worst - Lady fires back at her friend who called her out for ?snatching? her man and getting pregnant for him
Update: ?We accidentally had s�x and I got pregnant. Do your worst - Lady fires back at her friend who called her out for ?snatching? her man and getting pregnant for him
Update: ?We accidentally had s�x and I got pregnant. Do your worst - Lady fires back at her friend who called her out for ?snatching? her man and getting pregnant for him

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