Urban Garden, flexible Lyon offices

Our goal is to bring together teams in a place that makes sense through its location, the scale of its collaborative spaces, and its low-carbon performance consistent with the challenge of energy transition , it is in these terms that Claire Waysand, deputy general manager of Engie , describes the arrival of the Lyon teams now grouped together in all of the tertiary buildings called Urban Garden.

Inaugurated this Friday, October 1, it was imagined as a link between nature and the city: “ Design expresses a meeting, the crossing between urbanism and plants. The project is in the urban continuity of the district and then opens onto the park and the school, located nearby. We wanted it to translate the conviviality, the meeting. Moreover, the stairs repositioned on the inner periphery of the facades allow the trays, which are designed to offer r many possibilities depending on the work situation “, explains the architect Jean Pistre, of the firm Valode et Pistre , known in Lyon for having built the Incity tower.

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