US – Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken to travel to Paris for meetings with French officials

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will travel to Paris next week to meet with French officials, the State Department announced today, following the diplomatic crisis caused by the cancellation by Australia of a major contract for the acquisition of

Blinken will be in Paris from Monday to Wednesday to attend the Agency’s meeting. Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and will “also meet with its French counterparts to continue talks on strengthening the vital relationship between the United States and France on a number of issues,” said US Foreign Secretary Ned Price.

They will discuss mainly the “security of the Indo-Pacific region”, but also the climate crisis, the economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic, the transatlantic relationship and cooperation with the comp our partners and partners, to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities at the global level “, added Price.

From Paris, Anthony Blinken will then visit Mexico, in his first voyage to the neighboring United States as head of US diplomacy.

Last month, Australia canceled a € 55 billion contract to buy 12 French submarines. to buy US nuclear-powered ships has angered France.

Paris has accused the United States of “betrayal” and briefly recalled its ambassador to Washington for consultations.

The diplomatic crisis seemed to subside after a telephone conversation between Joe Biden and Emanuel Macron last week, during which the US president acknowledged that the US could have had better communication with him over the long term. their ally.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ

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