USA on nominations of Patria y Vida for Latin Grammy: “Song that inspires hope and freedom to Cubans”

The United States government celebrated the nomination of Patria y Vida to the Latin Grammys and condemned the repression of the Cuban regime against authors of the song for creating a song that “ inspires hope and freedom to Cubans” .

announced the Embassy of the northern country in Havana, citing Brian A. Nichols, undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States Department of State.

“The Cuban protest song ‘Patria y Vida’ received two nominations for the Latin Grammy Awards of 2021, including Song of the Year” , said Brian A. Nichols, undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the State Department, and lashed out at the government violence under which co-authors of the audiovisual live in Havana.

“Shamefully, Maykel Castillo ‘El Osorbo’, ‘El Funky’, and Anyelo Troya are still imprisoned and repressed for writing an inspiring song hope and freedom for Cubans ”, the politician specified in reference to the imprisonment and persecution of the singers Castillo and El Funky , and about the criminal prosecution of the filmmaker Troya.

The message ends with the label # Prisoners Why ( JailedForWhat , in English), which names the campaign for the release of political prisoners in Cuba promoted by the United States Government and in which Osorbo was included.

Other prisoners of conscience in the campaign are the artist Luis Manuel Otero , the journalist of ADN Esteban Rodríguez , the opponents José Daniel Ferrer and Félix Navarro, the activist Luis Robles and the sisters Lisdany and Lidianis Rodríguez , whom they claim den impute 10 years in prison for demonstrating on 11J .

Recently, the undersecretary Nichols had denounced that the Cuban rebellious rapper, in prison since May 18, had been “incommunicado for 14 days. Instead of allowing artists to express themselves peacefully, the Cuban government silences them with prison sentences, “he said then.

Also, Anyelo Troya , photographer whose authorship corresponds to the segment of the clip of Patria y Vida filmed in Havana, was detained after the 11J protests, and was sentenced to one year of house arrest.

Patria y Vida was nominated this Tuesday for the Latin Grammy Awards in the categories Best Urban Song and Song of the Year, After having become the libertarian anthem of thousands of Cubans inside and outside the island.

Premiered for the first time on February 16, it reached one million views in less than 72 hours and was chanted and drawn on posters during the 11J demonstrations in Cuba and those that happened around the world.

Since its premiere on YouTube, the Cuban authorities have not browned in the attempt to criminalize the exercise of constitutional guarantees to anyone who echoes his lyrics and music.

Campaigns to discredit the subject and its artists have filled the screens of television and the official press and even the possibility of being legally prosecuted are among the actions to try to silence her.

The aversion to Patria y Vida reached the absurd when, just a few hours ago , the Music Recordings and Editions Company (EGREM) , Cuban record company, in its announcement about the Grammys, decided to omit the song from the list of nominees.

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