USH asks for specific financial tools to massify major renovations

CONGRESS HLM . While the Bank of the Territories and Action Logement are launching a new subsidized loan for social housing compliant with stage 2025 of the RE2020, Emmanuelle Cosse asks for new financial tools to help social landlords in their “race against time” to renovate G-rated housing before 2025.

While the public authorities seem concerned only with the production of housing, especially social housing, Emmanuelle Cosse pointed out, on September 29 at the HLM Congress, the enormous effort in terms of renovation awaiting social landlords. The president of the USH asked the Banque des Territoires, during a speech to Minister Emmanuelle Wargon, to create financing tools dedicated to the “challenge” that constitutes “the inclusion of hundreds of thousands of housing units in the national low carbon strategy” , and which implies “an essential massification” . The lessors are engaged, according to her in “a race against the clock” to renovate, before 2025 and the ban on renting, the 75,000 classified G housing in the social housing stock, then the 280,000 F housing units before 2028.

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