Vaccinated with 2 doses, Kátia Abreu is diagnosed with Covid-19 for the second time

Through social networks, Senator Kátia Abreu (PP-TO) announced that she tested positive for the Covid-19 this Sunday (9) and who will be in isolation for the next few days.

This is the second time that the parliamentarian has been infected by the disease. Since this time she is already vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine.

According to her, the symptoms were body aches, cough and tiredness stronger than the first time, but the lungs were less affected.

The senator had the disease for the first time in November 2021 and spent a week in the Sírio Libanês hospital in São Paulo. At the time, her lung was compromised and she was taken to the Intensive Care Unit, but did not need to be intubated.

When communicating that she is sick, the senator insisted on defending the vaccine and science. “Cases are increasing all over Brazil. We need to stay tuned and take all the care guided by scientists and health experts. Vaccination is the best medicine, even in children. Thanks to the vaccine, respiratory problems are certainly alleviated”, he said.

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