Valery Polkhovsky spoke about the selection criteria for the World Cup

Valery Polkhovsky spoke about the selection criteria for the World Cup

Former head coach of the Russian national biathlon team Valery Polkhovsky shared his opinion on the selection criteria for the national team for the World Cup in the season 2021/2022.

“Anna Bogaliy recently recalled the selection system that was in 2011. It was my proposal to make a selection system that took into account the results of both the summer championship and control starts before leaving for the first stages of the World Cup. In terms of the total points, we formed a team, which included many young athletes, and they made worthy competition. The guys then understood that there is a sports principle, that there is a struggle between athletes. And if you are even one place ahead, then you go further.

Valery Medvedtsev recalled that this was the most correct approach. Where does the national team get its athletes from today? From the regions, and they should not lose interest in the selection system. We have lived to the point that 50 girls and a little more than 60 guys are running in the Russian championship. This is the first signal that something is wrong, that something needs to be done, “- quotes the words of Polkhovsky TASS.

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