Vastu Tips to Create a Calm and Balanced Home

Creating a calm and balanced home environment through Vastu can promote positive energy and harmony. Here are some Vastu tips to help you achieve tranquility at home:

Plants like peace lilies, bamboo, and money plants purify the air and bring positive energy. Place them in the north, east, or southeast corners of the home for optimal effect.

Indoor Plants

Ensure proper natural lighting and ventilation throughout your home. Sunlight in the morning, especially in the east and northeast, promotes positivity.

Lighting and Ventilation

Choose soothing colors like light blue, green, or beige for walls and decor. These colors are calming and promote mental peace.

Use of Colors

Keep your home organized, and regularly clear out unused items, especially from corners and the northeast area, to invite peace and mental clarity.

Clutter-Free Environment

The kitchen represents the fire element and should be located in the southeast corner of the house. Avoid placing it in the north or northeast, as this can cause imbalance and lead to health issues.

Kitchen Location

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