Vendir: Plague of Lies, a dark RPG with strategic elements, is out now on Android and iOS

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Vendir: Plague of Lies, a dark RPG with strategic elements, is out now on Android and iOS

Thunderful and Early Morning Studio have just announced the release of their new game, Vendir: Plague of Lies, on mobile. It features tactical turn-based combat in an immersive world with a deep story and fascinating characters. The title is set for a PC and console launch later this year too.

Vendir: Plague of Lies takes place in a kingdom of the same name. It was once a grand empire, but the rule of the tyrannic King Elrik brought about horrors because of his harsh judgements and torturous punishments. An ancient prophecy, however, pointed towards the end of Elrik and his iron fist rule.

This divination will be fulfilled by two siblings who will embark on a perilous journey, from one end of the kingdom to the other. Every move they make will be a step towards provoking Elrik and feeling his wrath. The unjust monarchy has been plagued by lies, and only the two siblings can uncover the actual truth.


Speaking of the effort that went in building the game, Emir Kuljanin, CEO and co-founder of Early Morning Studio, said: “We have put everything we have learnt from the success of our previous titles, Vampire Fall Origins and Champions of Avan, into creating our biggest and best title yet in the form of Vendir: Plague of Lies. I’m really excited for players to begin exploring the game today and discover for themselves why we say this is a game where your choices, in everything from combat to conversation, really matter.”

Vendir allows players to create a squad of unique characters that will take part in party-based combat and a turn-based fighting system. All of them can add to the story in their own way by offering different conversation options with NPCs. These choices will have impacts on the future story, leading to a branched narrative.

Download Vendir: Plague of Lies now for free by clicking on your preferred link below.

Also, check out this list of the best RPGs to play on mobile!

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