Venezuela called on Celac to face unilateral coercive measures

The Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Félix Plasencia, today summoned the countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) to unite to face the unilateral coercive measures of the United States and its allies.

During his speech at the XXII Summit of Foreign Ministers of the entity In Argentina, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister denounced the intensification of the blockade against member nations, in the midst of the crisis facing the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He recalled that his country has been a victim, for more than a decade, of the punitive actions of Washington and demanded their cessation.

« Our call once again so that from the membership of Celac we join forces in denouncing the unilateral coercive measures. It is incomprehensible that at this time in the global situation of the pandemic there is a resurgence of unilateral sanctions and the blockade against sister countries “, stressed the diplomat.

He thanked In addition, the cooperation in health matters provided by Mexico and Argentina to the region, in order to face Covid-19 through the supply of vaccines, as well as the work carried out by Cuba in the production of three anti-Covid-19 drugs .

In another order, he reiterated the proposal to create the General Secretariat of Celac, which, he stressed, will help to further stimulate and consolidate this regional mechanism, at a time when the threat to peace and the persecution of governments is increasingly intense.

He called for strengthening ties with other nations, such as China and India, and organizations such as the African Union, in pursuit of integration and interregional cooperation, taking into account the need to develop economies in current conditions.

Similarly, he highlighted the work of Mexico during the temporary presidency, whose work he described as excellent and highlighted several of the achievements during that stage.

He praised the initiative of the deceased founding presidents, Fidel Castro (1926-2016), Hugo Chávez (1954-2013) and Nestor Kirchner (1950 -2010), without which, he assured, the unity and cooperation achieved during this decade would not have been possible.

Plasencia concluded his speech by predicting success for Argemtina, who assumes the leadership of the entity and expressed his confidence that it will give continuity and consolidate this mechanism of political agreement.

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