Veteran Actor Nam Moon Chul Passes Away

Veteran actor Nam Moon Chul has passed away at the age of 50 (by Korean reckoning).

On October 4, his agency released an official statement:

This is actor Nam Moon Chul’s agency Management BK.

Nam Moon Chul passed away from a chronic illness at 6:20 a.m. on October 4, 2021.

The actor passed away at the age of 50 after being diagnosed with colon cancer and battling against the disease.

His mortuary is located in Room 10 of the funeral hall of National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital. The procession will take place on 6:30 a.m. on October 6 (Wednesday).

Management BK will remember his passion for acting.

We hope you will express your condolences.

Nam Moon Chul was originally a theatre actor, and he appeared in dozens of projects including “Six Flying Dragons,” Nokdu Flower,” and “CHIP-IN.”

Our condolences to Nam Moon Chul’s family and friends.

Source (1)

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