Video: Nate Cicero Involved in Scary Crash into Wall at IMSA Mustang Challenge

Paul KasabianFeatured Columnist IIJune 21, 2024

WATKINS GLEN, NY - AUGUST 05: Safety crew members stand on pit road during a flyover before the start of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series GoBowling at The Glen at Watkins Glen International on August 5, 2018 in Watkins Glen, New York.  (Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images)

Robert Laberge/Getty Images

Cicero’s throttle got stuck, leading to his car skidding onto the grass and then flipping over after hitting the wall. Thankfully, Cicero walked away on his own power.

NBC Sports @NBCSports

A scary crash at Watkins Glen. 😳

Nate Cicero flipped when his throttle got stuck.

The car landed right side up leaning on the wall, and Cicero emerged from the vehicle soon afterward.

Cicero was the driver of the No. 82 car for McCumbee McAleer Racing.

A statement from Ford Performance to Fred Smith of Road & Track read as follows.

“It is too early to speculate on the cause of the accident that occurred during the Mustang Challenge Race at Watkins Glen to the #82 Ford Mustang Dark Horse R. The Ford Performance team will be working with MMR Motorsport team to understand more.”

Cicero is an accomplished young driver. Per Kameron Duncan of The Spun, he “competes in various disciplines within IMSA, driving Mazdas, Fords and other vehicles” and started on karts during his younger days.

Cicero notably won the second Whelen Mazda MX-5 Cup race at Daytona Speedway back in January.

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