ViewSonic LDP216-251: New 216-inch monitor launches with over 500 kg weight and impressive colour accuracy

The ViewSonic LDP216-251 costs nearly €150,000, even at a discount. (Image source: ViewSonic)
The ViewSonic LDP216-251 costs nearly €150,000, even at a discount. (Image source: ViewSonic)

ViewSonic has brought the LDP216-251 to market, a 216-inch monitor intended to be used in offices. The ViewSonic LDP216-251 delivers 600 nits peak brightness, weighs in at 500 kg and consumes 4,000 W of power.

ViewSonic has started selling the LDP216-251 in Europe, having debuted the huge monitor in March 2023. As its name suggests, the LDP216-251 measures 216-inches diagonally and outputs at 1,920 x 1,080 pixels. While that resolution yields a comparatively low 10 PPI pixel density, ViewSonic intends the monitor to be used in offices, whether as digital signage or a collaborative screen in conference rooms.

Additionally, the monitor’s 600 nits peak brightness and 120% Rec. 709 colour space coverage apparently make the LDP216-251 suitable for a gallery installation in landscape or portrait orientations. For reference, the monitor measures 4.81 x 2.82 metres across and weighs a whopping 512 kg. Moreover, the LDP216-251 consumes up to 4,000 W.

Unsurprisingly, ViewSonic has not sourced a single panel that large. Instead, the LDP216-251 comes in several parts that require roughly two hours of assembly. Theoretically, two monitors can be installed as a pair to create a 32:9 aspect ratio. Meanwhile, Android 9 underpins the monitor through a control box that features five HDMI ports, among other I/O. The ViewSonic LDP216-251 carries a €176,999 MSRP but is already discounted to €148,000 on some online retailers.

(Image source: ViewSonic)
(Image source: ViewSonic)

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Alex Alderson, 2023-11-15 (Update: 2023-11-15)

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