Viral: Pakistani bride being weighed in gold at her lavish Dubai wedding; check reactions

Viral: Pakistani bride being weighed in gold at her lavish Dubai wedding; check reactions

Screenshot taken from video. Instagram/ @dulhadotnet

In India and also in many other countries, buying gold continues to remain an integral part of weddings as people of all age groups from both the groom’s and bride’s side wear attractive gold jewellery and also gift a lot to the couple. The bride, being the main star of the event, wears beautiful gold jewellery. There are some places where people follow an age-old tradition of weighing the bride in gold, however, faced flak over objectifying women. With that said, a similar instance was witnessed at a lavish wedding in Dubai where a Pakistani businessman weighed his daughter with gold equivalent to her body weight.

Yes, you’ve heard it right. The bride was made to sit on one side of a weighing scale while the other end had large gold bricks to equalise her weight. Reports suggested that it was a part of the bride’s dowry that the man intended to pay to her in-laws. A video of the entire episode is going viral on social media, drawing multiple reactions from people. While many criticised the unnecessary use of money made to match up with societal expectations, some also slammed the businessman for showing off in such a manner at a time when Pakistan is battling with an economical crisis.

A section of people also spoke in support of such a creative theme adopted by the organisers.

Actually, it was revealed that the gold bricks were all fake and were just used as per the wedding theme which was based on a concept from the Bollywood film Jodha Akbar.

Check the video:

A user while commenting on the video wrote, “Gold worth more than Pakistan,” while another user wrote, “These were coloured stone bricks…The wedding theme has been copied from a Bollywood film.”

Another user commented, “but the gold was not real. Jodha Akbar acting in a wedding.”

“Pakistan is bleeding people r hungry and look at the splurge,” a user wrote. The video has been creating waves both in Dubai and Pakistan, grabbing a lot of views on the internet.

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