Walnut fighters closed Saturday together after the disaster: “Suddenly a double bow appeared

Two days after the disaster, the unit commander decided that the fighters would stay together at the base to digest what had happened. Forward when it is difficult “• After the run they ate the Sabbath meal together, and the commanders talked to the warriors about the disaster

  • Stories of the fallen officers>>
  • Preliminary investigation of the disaster>> towards The commander of the unit said all the fighters would stay in the camp and not go home, to try to encourage everyone and hug them without criticism. Alumni of the unit asked to go up to the camp over the weekend to strengthen the fighters’ hands and be with them, but the decision made at the top of the command was not to approve it for fear it would actually weaken them and expose the fighters to outside reports.

    The post written by the warrior on Instagram | Photo: Instagram In the last minutes before the beginning of Shabbat, the commander of the unit devoted himself to a joint run of all the fighters. One of them wrote about it on his Instagram page: “Decided that something refreshing was needed, which would give the fighters some energy. So soon before Shabbat began all the unit’s fighters went out for a rain run that left no one dry. Not even a bit. The run was led by the unit commander.”

    The warrior added with emotion: “And when we came almost to the end, he stopped us and said one sentence: Sometimes when it is difficult, just have to “Knowing how to run forward. And when the whole unit ran together, a last sprint of 200 meters, suddenly in the middle of the sky a special double arch appears. One of Ofek and one of Itamar.”

    Funeral of the Warriors | Photo: Avshalom Shashoni, Flash 90

    After the run, all the fighters gathered in the dining room of the unit where they held the Shabbat meal. Afterwards the commanders talked to the fighters and gave them time to process and digest to deal with the incident.

    Last night we reported that a nut officer shot to death in two of his unit members claims that הלוויתו של אופק אהרון לוחם אגוזי (צילום: אבשלום ששוני, פלאש 90) felt in danger and therefore opened fire . The findings of the investigation indicate a lack of coordination within the unit that led to the tragic deaths of the officers at the Nabi Musa base in the Jordan Valley. At this stage, the IDF is also examining whether the shooting was too fast, and whether it was right to use a suspicious arrest procedure before it. | Photo: Avshalom Shashoni, Flash 90

    On Thursday we reported that according to the initial investigation, the night before the incident, a night-vision device was stolen from the scene. At the end of the night training, the soldiers were instructed on guard duty and went to sleep.

    The inspection team, led by Maj. Gen. (Res.) Noam Tibon, will also inspect the organizational culture in the unit and the adherence to Discipline in it. Not only that, but the team will check the conduct in the entire commando brigade. The fighters in these units are educated to take initiative – but not wildly. Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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