Warning of “hydrocarbons” caused by oil spills Flashing over the Map Ta Phut shore

Officials are preparing to place a boom on the coast of IRPC Port, Rayong, after they found that oil stains tend to move onto the beach. While the Department of Disease Control Beware of the impact “Hydrocarbons” affect the respiratory system. central nervous system Long-term cause leukemia

Today (27 Jan 2022) progress in the case of recovering oil spills into the sea near Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate. The latest in Rayong at 5:00 PM. Hundreds of officials Help put a buoy or boom. It is a line to prevent oil stains. in the IRPC port area which is not far from the original projection that it may be an area affected by the oil spill is Mae Ramphueng Beach and Koh Samet It was reported that The oil spill that escaped from the sea is about 4 kilometers from shore and an incident command center has been set up at this point.

While a Facebook user It was reported that the oil spill was found 4.8 kilometers from Mae Ramphueng Beach, and said that disclosure was good. in order to prepare to be vigilant And please do not panic

Mr. Sonthi Kochawat, an environmental scholar. Facebook post worried about using chemicals to get rid of oil stains when chemicals react with oil will break down into small sediments into the sea This method is safe when used in seas with a depth of 1000 meters or more

, but in this case it is not far from shore. may affect the ecosystem It is expected that in 2 weeks will be assessed whether it affects the food chain or not. because it will start to find dead aquatic animals

Department of Disease Control Warning for hydrocarbons

Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Addressing the case of an oil leak in Rayong that People in the area may be affected by hydrocarbon chemicals. affecting the respiratory system and central nervous system when inhaled or skin contact Resulting in irritation of the eyes, skin, burning nose, burning throat, nausea and vomiting. Headache

, but if inhaling large amounts of hydrocarbons may cause unconsciousness long term impact May cause leukemia But at this time, there are no reports of people affected by health

. Advise to avoid eating fish and dead sea creatures that wash up on the beach If skin or eye contact Immediately rinse with clean water. And if swallowed, drink plenty of water as soon as possible. and immediately see a doctor

should watch out and observe symptoms themselves and people around If the above symptoms or have abnormal symptoms should consult a doctor Also, don’t eat food or drink contaminated with oil. And do not bring sea fish or marine animals that have died and washed up on the beach for consumption

In addition, the Department of Disease Control has closely monitored the health of the staff, working people and the public Prepare to go to the area to help those affected. and recommend that people in the area be careful of the results Impact on health by continuously monitoring the situation

Navy Delivered the helicopter to spray chemical to remove oil stains

the same day. Navy by Squadron 2 HTMS Chakri Naruebet helicopter carrier fleet Has sent an anti-submarine helicopter (S-70B) with a chemical spray kit, with Captain Chakphet Phitpan, the 1st pilot and Capt. Platt. Diddanaithiwat, the second pilot, went into the air Spraying chemicals to remove oil stains in the sea in the Map Ta Phut Bay area, Rayong Province

since January 26, 65, there was an accident in the subsea crude oil pipeline, Star Petroleum Refire Company. Ninging Public Company Limited, the buoy area for receiving crude oil in the middle of the sea About 20,000 liters of oil spilled about 5 nautical miles off the coast of Map Ta Phut, causing crude oil to spread widely

Preliminary Navy by the 1st Naval Area and Naval Aviation Division Send patrol boats and aircraft to spray chemicals to remove oil stains. both the sea and the air by integrating with relevant agencies To solve the situation as quickly as possible finish refrain from swimming in the sea Notify the private sector

adjust the plan to use the buoys “Oil leak” extracted into Mae Ramphueng Beach – Koh Samet 28 Jan.

Retrace the “Black Sea” 45 years of oil spills in the Thai sea 235 times

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