Wasn't it overheated? 5 places to have breakfast on December 25 and January 1 in CDMX

How would you like a birria or a “ Come back to life ” right now? Every Christmas and New Year Mexico City dawns empty and as the morning progresses it begins to be populated with Sleepless chilangos “zombies” looking for something to eat for lunch.

If you are one of those people who ran out of Christmas overheating , we will tell you where you can find food in this desert metropolis even on holidays (December 25 and January 1).

A birria in El Michoacanissimo

What a cross! For that horror hangover, El Michoacanissimo brings you a Christmas present: a good goat birria.

This place with more than 70 years of tradition will open both on December 25 and January 1, starting at 8:30 a.m., to give you a great lunch with homemade tortillas. hand or some quesadillas with meat.

Address: Calle San Valentín 866, Pedregal de Santa Úrsula, Coyoacán, Mexico City.

Unlimited seafood at El Marisquero

But look what the aquatic Santa Claus brought you! This seafood buffet in La Viga will be open on December 25 and January 1, starting at 10:00 am.

Here you will find about 45 Mexican dishes with seafood to choose without time limit: there are ceviches, aguachiles, shrimp cocktails, fried mojarra, stuffed pineapple, paella and more.

Direction : Calz. de la Viga 124, Lorenzo Boturini, Venustiano Carranza, 15820 Mexico City, CDMX .

Some quesabirrias in Tijuana Birrlería

These legendary “quesabirrias” can also be found on December 25 and January 1, 2022, to start the year with lots of cheese and a good Tijuana-style birria. It will be open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

They have variety: there is the classic taco de birria , which is not the same as a quesataco, there are also quesabirria and flour quesadilla or hibiscus tacos, another of their specialties.

Address: Avenida División del Norte, 3012, Atlántida, Coyoacán, Mexico City.

Some flutes in Birria “ Don Pepe ”

In addition to its famous grilled beer tacos, Here you will find some delicious flautas to accompany your consommé, quesadillas, sopes and a variety of tacos, tostadas and burritos.

They will have service on both December 25 and January 1 . They have three branches with these hours for those days:

A stew in Los Panchos

East place in Colonia Anzures has a fairly extensive menu with carnitas, petroleras, enchiladas, quesadillas, tacos, gorditas and many broths to revive from a hangover.

They will be waiting for you at that branch with a Christmas candy this December 25 and January 1, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm .

Meanwhile, its branch in Terraza Palacio will be closed on those days.

Address: Tolstoi 9, Anzures, Miguel Hidalgo, 11590 Mexico City, CDMX

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