300 euros more net for the climate | We also want this Ösi eco tax reform!
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Article from: Nikolaus Harbusch, Nadja Aswad, Lydia Rosenfelder published on
Will Austria become a model for the next federal government?
The conservative-green government of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (35) wants to reduce taxes noticeably! The 8.9 million citizens are to be relieved of 18 billion euros by 2025.
In concrete terms: Every full-time employee will in future receive an average of 300 euros more from their wages per month. On the other hand, the state is making energy more expensive by pricing CO2: By 2025 – just like in Germany – the price is to rise to 55 euros / ton. This makes fuel, for example, about 17 cents / liter more expensive.
The calculation of Kurz and the green coalition partner: If you want full relief, you have to go for environmentally friendly mobility (bicycle, e-car ) and set heating. The state is also helping with this: there are subsidies from a 500 million euro pot for phasing out oil and gas heating systems. Families and low-income earners are also relieved.
Taxes down, eco -Incentives up! A role model for Germany? Yes, says FDP financial expert Christian Dürr (44). What he likes about the Ösi model is that the middle part of society is relieved. “At the same time, something is being done for the climate.”
That too Union is ready to talk. Saxony-Anhalt’s Economics Minister Sven Schulze (42) calls for targeted relief for citizens and industry for the rising energy prices: “The Austrian model can be a role model.”
Only the greens keep a low profile. Financial expert Lisa Paus (53): “We have many good ideas of our own for socially acceptable climate protection.” But that must be discussed confidentially.
Skeptical about the Ösi model, but definitely for relief FDP politician Katja Suding (45): “In order to cushion social hardship, we want to relieve the citizen in return with a climate dividend, which is financed from income from the sale of emission certificates.”
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