Well-equipped telephone for 600 euros. Do they weigh on its disadvantages?

Motorola introduced a new series of smartphones called the Edge last year. It was then her attempt to make a big comeback among the top class. Moto Edge Plus was really well equipped, but some circumstances did not play a carat

The price at which they decided to come out with the novelty, although rough corresponded to the situation with competing devices, but at the same time it was really high for the conditions of this brand. In our market, you bought a better-equipped Edge Plus model for as little as 1,200 euros at the time.

manufacturers have retreated. Mixed reactions and aroused passions, however, over time, the price reduction was corrected and the phones sold nicely.

The brand maintained this trend and the smartphone currently has a successor Edge 20 Pro . This time the price is lower, ie about 600 euros, although according to promises we will see shares for five hundred. Right at the beginning, we reveal that for this money, the phone made really good sense to us. So what to expect from him?

See test photos from the Motorola Edge 20 Pro:

Motorola Edge 20 Pro - testovacia fotka

Picture: Alžbeta Harry Gavendová / HN

Image change

The new design may be a bit of an exaggerated statement, but from our point of view it is really a more significant change. For example, the Edge 20 Pro got rid of it compared to its predecessor, the display with curved edges. It was a surprise for us and we must also honestly say that the curved display on the Edge Plus did not interfere with us.

Source: Alžbeta Harry Gavendová / HN

The English name Edge derived from the word edge probably referred to the curved edges of the display of the first generation phone. In the new version of the Edge 20 Pro, however, there is only a flat display. The reactions of the surroundings show that this is what people are more sympathetic to today.

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