What are the true values ​​in life?

In the rush to acquire material things that will provide us with a more comfortable life, we often forget what the true values ​​in life are

Let us remind ourselves of those the true values ​​we should strive for, which, unfortunately, are often lost nowadays.

The pursuit of material things, possession, proving and showing others takes us away from our right times, from what we are. We forget important life lessons, following the modern one that promotes money as the only measure of success. Although we should keep this in mind all the time, at least today remember the wise words of your parents, grandparents:

– That it is important to be good, because good comes back to good. Help others whenever you can and in no way expect anything in return

– Honesty is one of the most important qualities – keep your cheek clean, because it is something that is difficult gains, and loses very easily.

– Be diligent and work hard

– Treat others the way you want them to be treat you with respect, esteem, equality, regardless of origin and status.

– Modesty is important – be satisfied with what you have and be grateful because someone may not have that much

– Don’t envy others

– Appreciate more spiritually than materially. Whenever you think that money would solve all your problems, remember that happiness is not money or objects that you own, but love, family and friends, peace that you have with yourself

– Always keep in mind that a rich man is not one who has, but one who is healthy. It is not said in vain that a healthy person has a thousand wishes, and a sick person only one.

– Family comes first – never forget those who gave you everything, love them and keep as the greatest treasure

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