What causes a heart attack and how to avoid it? Here are the cardiologist's tips

The interview with the chairman of the Czech Society of Cardiology was brought by the iDNES.cz portal

When a senior is said and cardiology, the first thing that occurs to me is a heart attack. Is it the right association, or are there more threats?

Myocardial infarction is certainly one of the major threats in old age. Although we have patients who are very young and come with him after the age of 30, the average age of men who suffer a heart attack is about 65 years. In women 70.

And besides heart attack?

Higher age categories heart rhythm disorders, especially atrial fibrillation, may also be at risk. Heart failure is very current in our country, which is the inadequacy of the heart as a pump. The number of hospitalizations with him has recently increased by 60 percent. This may be due to a previous heart attack, but more often to high blood pressure, which is practically three-quarters of people in old age.

Men generally have a higher risk of heart attack than women

Yes, but if we take all the cardiovascular diseases, women are worse off. They balance it at an older age because they die of cardiovascular disease more often. During life, they are protected by hormones and generally behave much better than men. But then they catch up with the men. When a woman reaches the age of fifty-five, hormonal protection begins to disappear. And then he’s like a man.

Most people know that a heart attack is a blockage in a blood vessel. But how does the clot form?

Usually by cracking the so-called atherosclerotic plaque, which is a deposit on the wall of a given vessel. And those cracks then try to heal certain blood systems. Platelets clot there, which means a clot forms. Even on a piece that is not large, a heart attack can occur.

It is rare for a person older than fifty-five not to have any atherosclerosis. So everyone is at risk of heart attack. The most vulnerable are those who accumulate risk factors. The worst is smoking. Sure, you know people who have smoked all their lives, are 90, and nothing. But when I consider patients who have had a heart attack by the age of 50, 99 percent of them are smokers.

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