What is an XLSX File and How to Open it?

In general, a document you prepare in the Excel program included in Microsoft Office 2007 and previous version packages is saved as an XLSX file with .xlsx extension. Even if this situation changes in new versions, if you do not have an Excel program installed on your computer, you cannot open this file. Let’s see what is an XLSX file and how to open it in detail.

The Office software package developed by Microsoft is one of the most widely used Office programs worldwide. Although Office 365 offers all these services with its subscription, many users still prefer to buy software. Spreadsheet program Excel is one of the most popular among these programs. If you are using an old version of Microsoft Office , you will see Excel files are saved in XLSX format . Generally, you encounter XLSX file formats saved as .xlsx extension and Excel files included in Microsoft Office 2007 and earlier version packages. Although new Office versions save in much more compatible file formats, it is very difficult to open these files if you do not have an Excel version installed on your computer. Let’s take a closer look at What is an XLSX file and how to open it ? xlsx

What is XLSX file?

    In general, after you create a spreadsheet through the Excel program included in Microsoft Office 2007 and previous version packages, you save this document by default , the format you encounter will be an XLSX file with .xlsx extension. Although optional, you can save your file in XLSX format in Microsoft Word 2007 and earlier versions. Files created in Excel and Word programs in Microsoft Office 2007 and later versions can also be saved in XLSX format. XLSX file stores data, numeric values, user-entered and program-created statistics, basic functions, and other spreadsheet properties.

    How to open XLSX file ?

      • Step #1: Here Open the Microsoft Online Office website.

      Step #2: Sign in with your Microsoft account information.xlsx

    • Step #3: Select Excel service from the left column.
    • Step #4: Click on ‘Upload and open…’ .

Step #5: XLSX you want to open Select the file. Step #6: File Your file will be opened after a period of time that varies according to its size.

  • Step #7: You can make edits on the file within the limits of Microsoft Online Office.
  • Step #8: You can download the file you have edited via the file options to your computer.
    • or
    • xlsx, Microsoft Online Office

  • Step #9: You can save the file you have edited via the file options to your OneDrive account.

  • Step #10: Operation done. xlsx, Microsoft Online Office Remember, the easiest and freest way to open any file prepared with one of the Microsoft Office programs is to use the Microsoft Online Office website. You can use many Microsoft services such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint on the Microsoft Online Office website, free of charge, although there are limits. Just follow the steps above to open the XLSX file. The best way to open a file prepared with Excel is to use the Excel program again. However, if you do not have an old version of Microsoft Excel program installed on your computer, you can use Microsoft Online Office service.

    How to open XLSX file with alternative methods?

  • Method #2: Opening an XLSX file with XLSX Viewer Free
  • Method #3 : Opening an XLSX file with third-party Office programs xlsxMethod #1: Opening an XLSX file with the XLSX Open File Tool: XLSX Open File Tool, XLSX XLSX Open File Tool, which you can use by downloading it to your computer with Windows operating system via the link here , It is one of the third-party tools developed to open XLSX files. XLSX Open File Tool, which claims to open even corrupt or damaged XLSX files , still does not guarantee this.

    Method #2: Opening XLSX file with XLSX Viewer Free:

    XLSX Viewer Free, XLSX You can use the link here by downloading it to your computer with Windows operating system from Microsoft Store. XLSX Viewer Free is one of the third-party programs developed to open XLSX files. The XLSX Viewer Free program, which we can trust because it is offered through the Microsoft Store, allows you to open files in XLS and XLSX formats through a simple interface.

    Method #3: Opening an XLSX file with third-party Office programs:

    WPS Office, xlsx Here WPS we explained in detail in our article It is also possible to open XLSX files using Office or third-party Office programs such as LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice . Most of these alternative Office suites are compatible with Microsoft Office file formats. However, it may not be a guaranteed method. We answered the questions about what is the XLSX file, which is the saving format of the Excel program in previous Microsoft Office suites, and how to open it and we talked about alternative methods you can apply to open these files.

    Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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