What is Ragnarok?

What is Nerdology?

A scientific analysis of nerd culture! A geeky, scientific and historical analysis of various aspects of pop culture that was born in 2011 as a NerdOffice board for Jovem Nerd. Now, with the presentation of Atila Iamarino in the episodes about Science and Filipe Figueiredo in the episodes of History, directed by Alexandre Ottoni and Deive Pazos.

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In today’s Nerdologia, we’re going to talk about Ragnarok and everything you need to know about this “Nordic apocalypse”.




  • https://pastebin.com/6P0v0kX7

    Creative Commons

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  • Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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