What would you pay for the Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet? [Poll]

Compared to recent Google products, the price of the Pixel Fold and Tablet are pretty contentious. With the Pixel Tablet just now seeing its first discount and the Fold being more widely available, we want to know how much you would pay for each.

Pixel Tablet

The Pixel Tablet features a 10.95-inch LCD (2560×1600 at 276 PPI) with a nano-ceramic coating over the aluminum frame. It’s powered by Tensor G2 with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage on the entry model. Other notable specs include a 7,020 mAh battery rated for 12 hours of video streaming, quad speakers, a fingerprint sensor, and three years of OS updates, followed by an additional two years for security patches. There’s also the included Charging Speaker Dock that retails for $129 by itself. 

The Pixel Tablet starts at $499 in the US. International customers do not like the price conversion, with Google’s argument not being received very well. Those just looking for an Android tablet don’t want the bundled stand and very much want the Pixel Tablet without the accessory if that lowered the price.

The poll below asks what you would pay for the 128GB Pixel Tablet with the dock included. It’s unlikely Google will change the first-generation offering by removing the stand at this point. That would require marketing and packaging changes, while the Pixel Tablet is very much the company’s modern/premium Smart Display entry that should have really been released much sooner.

Pixel Fold

$1,799 is just a lot of money. You can easily buy a regular flagship phone and laptop instead of the Pixel Fold. Our buying advice, which you can watch above, is simply to not buy the Pixel Fold at full price. The pre-order deals were quite good in that regard, while a trade-in is an absolute must now that those offers are over.

Normally, I’d say that the Pixel experience – from design to first-party apps – is meaningfully different from that of the Samsung experience. However, with foldables, you can’t ignore the equally priced Galaxy Z Fold 5 and its status as a fifth-generation device. That said, the fact that the Pixel Fold is Google’s third hardware iteration, according to our research, counts for something and lessens the gap. 

With this poll, we’re curious about what owners (or prospective buyers) of the Pixel Fold think the MSRP should be before any deals:

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