When and why do we stop wanting sex?

Sex is one of the most sensitive topics. But let’s discuss it

October 4, 2021, 14:58 , updated at 15:11

C ex is one of the most sensitive topics. Even those who talk openly about sex are often silent when the conversation focuses on their personal lives.

The topic is especially difficult for couples who have stopped

It’s both surprising, but it’s not when couples who have been together for a while don’t understand why they stopped having sex. Very often they are reluctant to turn to their partner to discuss this topic. They are afraid of both what they may hear and what they may NOT hear.

In an attempt to help these couples, clinical psychologist Barbara Greenberg

make a list of the most common reasons why couples stop having sex.

Maybe after review the list , you will get an idea of ​​what is happening in your connection. Given what you read, Greenberg recommends talking to your partner. “Silence about sex is not gold,” she says.

Източник: psychologytoday    

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