When will the E-School grade entry be closed?

16.01.2022 – 22:16Update: 16.01.2022 – 22:16

15 breaths are held for the holidays. Millions of students all over Turkey are doing research on e-school to reach the latest status regarding exam grades, oral grades and absenteeism. Here is the answer to the question of when the e-School login screen and the E-School grade entry will be closed…


Shortly before the closure of schools, researches on e-school vbs grade entry have increased. Millions of students across the country; He is looking for the answer to the question of when his oral and written notes will be announced. Here is the curiously researched MEB E School Parent Information System VBS login screen…


e school grade entry has not been closed. The system is shutting down a few days before the report cards are given.



To log in to E-Okul VBS, you must first log in to the “e-okul.meb.gov.tr” address, and then you will see it. You must enter the information requested from you on the screen that appears correctly and completely. When this information is entered correctly, the system opens the second partition for you. In this section, the student’s identity information or education information is requested. Like the province where he/she is registered, the class he/she attends… Finally, after you choose the correct photo of the student that will appear before you, the system is opened for use. If you complete all these steps, you can log in to the system and learn all the grade information, exam dates and absence dates of the student. In addition, it is possible to reach the books read by the student, their written averages and much more in the system.

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