“Where does this great concern come from now” Brnabić: Interview is a way for the public to find out about the events around Jovanjica

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

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The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated today that the public could not understand in any other way what It happened in the case of Jovanjic, for which Predrag Koluvija is accused, that he was not interviewed by lawyer and politician Vladimir Đukanović.

“The investigation is long over, if at least part of the truth is in what Koluvija said, then the only way for the public to understand what was happening is what Djukanovic did “, said Brnabić in the Palace of Serbia, after the session of the Crisis Staff, answering the questions of the journalists how she views the interference of politicians in the” Jovanjica “case.

Brnabić stated that they should have heard about the pressure exerted to accuse the president’s brother Andrej of one act, to go to prison, and to overthrow President Aleksandar Vučić.

“Because then there was a criminal organization, deeply embedded in state bodies, which exerted direct pressure on the life of one man, in order to accuse Andrej Vučić of a criminal offense, for Andrej Vučić to go to prison and thus overthrow Aleksandar Vučić, which is a coup d’etat, “she said.

Petar Koluvija

Photo: MUP, private archive / RAS Serbia

Petar Koluvija

The Prime Minister said that she did not understand the timing and “where does this great concern come from” for a case that is two and a half years old and did not exist when they interfered in this and other cases opposition representatives Marinika Tepic and Miroslav Aleksic.

“And you had a completely different standard at the time of the investigation for much more heinous and dangerous crimes in Veljko Belivuk’s clan, when it was okay for one investigative media to publish a testimony, in the middle or at the beginning of an investigation, which is confidential, and then you had a number of politicians who just waited to comment on that testimony, because it would jeopardize the investigation and which thus directly influenced the court’s decisions, “B said

She emphasized that it was wrong and that no one should interfere in the judiciary, especially during investigations and that this attitude does not change.

“I don’t think the media should do that, politicians. I believe in the institutions and there are no different views in relation to different cases, “she said, emphasizing that in the case of Jovanjica, the interference of politicians cannot affect the investigation, because it was completed a long time ago.

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