Which computers and smartphones will no longer be able to connect to the Internet on September 30?

Because a security certificate present on all connected objects expires, millions of smartphones, game consoles and computers could be deprived of the Internet on September 30, 2021. This concerns all devices marketed before 2017, and which have not been updated.

Smartphones, computers, tablets, but also game consoles and televisions … Internet has been everywhere and for years. But yet, on September 30, 2021, millions of devices could be disconnected! A giant “blackout” that could affect a very large number of devices designed before 2017. Why? Because this September 30, 2021, a certificate digital security will expire, and at the same time, the absence of an update will block another certificate, more widespread, essential today to connect to the Internet, and watch for example videos, or check your e-mails.

The culprit is the certificate IdentTrust DST Root CA X3 , and it is he who allows to certify the ISRG Root X1 file, essential today to encrypt connections to the Internet. According to Scott Helme , the original researcher From this discovery, all old smartphones, connected TVs or game consoles that have not been updated will no longer have access to certain Internet services.

All affected operating systems

In his article, he gives many examples, and it is the iPhone under iOS 9, smartphones under Android 2.3.5 and earlier or even des PC with the Windows XP Service Pack 2 or computers Apple on macOS 10.12.0. This also concerns consoles like the this page .

To anticipate this possible cutoff, two solutions: update your device; Parmi les navigateurs…” data-more=”Lire la suite” data-number=”” data-title=”Navigateur” data-tooltip=”” data-url=”http://www.futura-sciences.com/tech/definitions/internet-navigateur-3986/” href=”http://www.futura-sciences.com/tech/definitions/internet-navigateur-3986/”> browser Firefox because it does not use this security certificate and thus allows you to connect to Internet without fear of interruption.

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