Who have a weak immune response to the coronavirus vaccine? Study

Anti-COVID-19 vaccines are less effective in people with weakened immune systems (immunocompromised), three Italian studies have concluded, stressing the need to administer booster doses to this group of people.

Studies show that, on average, 30% of immunocompromised patients do not develop immunity to the virus after vaccination, Reuters reports, according to Agerpres.

The remaining 70% respond to the vaccine, especially after the second dose, but to a lesser extent than healthy people and with differences from one group to another, Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome announced on Monday,

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved on Monday the administration of the third dose of Pfizer to COVID in adults. According to the Agency, the third dose of Pfizer can be given to people who are at least 18 years old, at least six months after the second dose is injected.

‘At national level, public health institutions may issue recommendations for the use of the additional dose depending on the appearance of efficacy data and limited safety data. The risk of inflammatory heart disease or very rare side effects after an additional dose is not known and is closely monitored. As with other medicinal products, the EMA will continue to examine all data on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine “, the institution’s statement states. )

The third dose can be taken with Pfizer and Moderna for people with severe immune systems

The EMA has concluded that An additional dose of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may be given to people with severely impaired immune systems at least 28 days after the second dose.

improves the ability to produce antibodies needed in the fight against coronavirus in people who have had organ transplants and a weakened immune system.

The EMA decision was anticipated last week. The decision, adopted on Monday, comes after several European countries, including Romania, approved and have already started administering the third dose of anti-COVID vaccine.

Photo source: Cancan Archive

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