Who Is Louise Taylor? Netflix’s Puts Her Under a Spotlight

The new Netflix documentary, Britney vs Spears isn’t so much of a bombshell as it is another layer of snow in an active avalanche. The documentary was released on September 28—the day before the hearing that could remove her father from her guardianship and effectively start the dissolution of the years-long conservatorship. As evidence continues to mount against Jamie and those who have had a hand in Spears’s conservatorship, the Netflix documentary introduces casual viewers to a relatively new player in the public conversation: Louise “Lou” Taylor.

Make no mistake; for those who have been following Spears’s case closely for the past few years, Taylor’s name is not unknown. Taylor served as Spears’s longtime business manager. It was her company that stepped down from managing her in late 2020, after Spears spoke out about her father for the first time. But Netflix’s documentary positions Taylor as having had a massive role in the conservatorship that has restricted Spears’s career and personal life for nearly a decade and a half.

Who is Lou Taylor?

Taylor is a powerful business manager who founded Tri Star Sports and Entertainment Group in 1992. The company works largely with the business dealings of high profile clients that range from the likes of Spears to Jennifer Lopez and Mary J. Blige. Specifically in Spears’s life, Taylor served first as the business manager for Britney’s sister, Jamie Lynn, before becoming a bit of a de facto force for the entire Spears family. She started speaking on behalf of Britney in 2008, first in a TODAY Show appearance, in the months leading up to the creation of the conservatorship of Britney.

Lynne Spears’s memoir, Through the Storm alleges Taylor was one of the first figures in Spears’s life to recommend a temporary conservatorship. It wasn’t until 2009 that Taylor became Spears’s official business manager. In further allegations, Taylor has been rumored to have recommended conservatorship for other stars dealing with personal struggles in the public eye, with Courtney Love being one of the most recent to speak out against the famed manager. Taylor has denied those claims.

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How Does Taylor Fit Into Spears’s Conservatorship?

The timeline, as previously noted, begins largely with Taylor’s involvement in Jamie Lynn’s business affairs, dating back to 2007, and ends with Tri Star stepping down as Britney’s business manager in fall of 2020. Those are the most concrete details around Taylor’s involvement in Spears’s life.

But in the documentary, Taylor is a prominent figure. Perhaps the most revealing moment about Taylor is when Spears’s former assistant is asked about her and she says, “I will not touch that one. Sorry, she would chew me up and spit me out.” As the documentary suggests, Taylor becomes more attached to the family in 2008 and more visible, though her role as business manager did not begin until 2009. In 2010, Taylor’s company developed a business plan for the estate, itself. Leading up to the release of Britney vs Spears, Tri Star sent a letter, outlining the legal details of mentioning Taylor in the documentary. The largest takeaway is that the company and Taylor deny any involvement in advocating for the conservatorship.

Outside of Spears’s immediate life, Lou and her husband had a personal relationship with Jamie, especially when it came to matters of his faith and religious journey. Lou’s husband is a pastor and the three were photographed together the day of Jamie’s baptism. The relationship became more complicated later when Tri Star contacted Jamie, suggesting that the company had taken major losses because of Britney’s inactivity following the cancellation of her second Vegas residency. The documentary uncovers several documents suggesting that Tri Star requested hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for the time that Spears was not working.

Where Does Spears Stand When It Comes to Taylor?

Past documentaries have suggested, via secondary sources, that Spears believes Taylor is at least partially responsible for her conservatorship. No formal statement from Spears has been made on the matter.

Justin Kirkland is a writer for Esquire, where he focuses on entertainment, television, and pop culture.

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